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  • The best storytelling prompt for ChatGPT (really that good).

The best storytelling prompt for ChatGPT (really that good).

I should probably charge for it, but here it is

Read this story and tell me you don't feel goosebumps:

What a joke. An absolute joke. That damn review campaign. Launched with a flourish, banners, emails, social media blitz. Thought it was a brilliant idea. Get the customers talking, create buzz, boost the sales. All those marketing articles can't be wrong, right?

Sat there, refreshing the page like a woman possessed. Waiting for the notifications to pop, for the flood of rave reviews. And what do I get? Crickets. Empty, echoing silence. A digital ghost town.

And then, as if on cue, the email from Carol, the busybody. "Noticed your review campaign. Good luck, dear." A virtual pat on the head. She saw it, she knew. The failure, the embarrassment. The hollow campaign.

A dozen scenarios replaying in my mind. Maybe the emails went to spam? Maybe people are too busy? Or maybe they just don't care? Or worse, they don't like the products? Is that it? Is that why they're not saying anything?

Aching humiliation. That sinking feeling of being exposed, of being seen as a failure. There's Lisa with her home decor shop, constantly flooded with customer reviews. And then there's me. With a campaign that got no response. Not a single bloody response.

How did it come to this? It was supposed to be simple. Happy customers leave reviews, right? It's not like I don't have sales. I do. But they're not talking. They're not sharing. What's stopping them? What am I missing?

Lying here now, stomach churning, mind racing. Do I scrap the whole thing? Pretend it never happened? Or do I dig in, try to figure out the why? Can I fix this? Or is this just another sign that I'm out of my depth?

Maybe I need help. An expert. Someone who understands this stuff. Customer engagement, online marketing. All that jargon. I need to figure this out. Not just for the business, but for me. To prove to myself that I'm not a failure.

This can't be it. It can't be. I've put in too much to give up now. I need to find a way. To learn, to grow. To turn this failure into a lesson.

I won't just accept this. I won't let this knock me down. I've stumbled, sure. But I'm not down for the count. Not yet. I've got more in me. I know I do.

Tomorrow, I'll start fresh. I'll figure this out. I'll find a way to get them talking. I'll turn this around. I have to. I will. Because I can't, I won't, be defined by this failure. I'm better than this. I am.

That was 100% ChatGPT, baby!

So, what was the prompt? What is the generic version?

The prompt:

You are a woman in your 40s who just had an embarrassing experience due to realizing your campaign to gather reviews for the products in your ecommerce was a total failure. You're lying in bed later that night, thinking about that specific situation. Include as many details as possible. What happened, where you were, who else was there, and who might have noticed. Wondering why and how it might have happened. Share up to 1,000 words of inner monologue. What happened, how it made you feel, wondering what you can do about it. Wondering if you can ignore the problem or if there is more specific help you can get. The language should be candid, clear, conversational, choppy, and direct. You don't need an intro or context in the introduction. Just get right into it. Don't hold back your frustrations and agitations, fears and embarrassments.

The generic version: 🚀 

You are a [IDEAL CUSTOMER] who just had an embarrassing experience [TARGET SITUATION]. You're lying in bed later that night, thinking about that specific situation. Include as many details as possible. What happened, where you were, who else was there, and who might have noticed. Wondering why and how it might have happened. Share up to [TOTAL OF WORDS] words of inner monologue. What happened, how it made you feel, wondering what you can do about it. Wondering if you can ignore the problem or if there is more specific help you can get. The language should be candid, clear, conversational, choppy, and direct. You don't need an intro or context in the introduction. Just get right into it. Don't hold back your [NEGATIVE FEELINGS].

I mean, c'mon, there's just so much to unpack in this, that of course I will only be doing this in my paid course.

And, if you are worth your weight when it comes to Growth, you know the power of a great story.


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